52 weeks of happy (2/52)

Had some lovely little things that made me happy this week!

1. My husband and I went birdwatching yesterday and he happened to look inside a hollow tree to see if there were birds in it. The little brown eyes that blinked back at him didn’t belong to a bird however!

Little cutie sugar glider!

Little cutie sugar glider!

2. Yesterday I decided to go to the new supermarket that just opened up. And they had gorgeous little bunches of jonquils. So I had to buy one (naturally!), and now I have beautiful flowers decorating my house and smelling lovely and just making me generally happy!

3. Last night my husband noticed the floor was dirty and vacuumed it! Without even a hint from me! Miracles happen! And that makes me very happy indeed!

4. This morning I found that one of my recipes has been pinned several times on Pinterest! Put a big smile on my face!

5. I know I’m only supposed to do four but the sunshine today is just so lovely it deserves a mention too! It’s been so nice and warm – shame I didn’t think to do washing while it’s sunny! (Although, knowing my luck it would probably have poured with rain if I had done washing.)

So that’s some of my happy things from the last week (although they’re mostly centred on the last 2 days!). Can you find any little things to be happy about today?

52 weeks of happy (1/52)

Shortly after writing my post on joy in little things I accidentally stumbled across this blog post. And I decided to join in. The idea is to share 4 little things that have made you happy in the last week for 52 weeks. So here goes!

1. Coming in at number one is the awesome T-shirt I found while shopping on Friday afternoon. I had been on prac at the zoo all morning (starting at 6:30am, ugh), so by the time I finished the grocery shopping (Read as: trying to get food without being killed by numerous, crazy, and sometimes inconsiderate shoppers) I was well and truly worn out. My feet were sore, my back was sore, and I just wanted to go home and sleep. But I had parked miles away (due to the numerous other shoppers beating me to the good parking spots!) and had to walk past quite a few other shops before I got to my car. And as I walked, the aforementioned shirt caught my eye – it was just a regular T-shirt, nothing special – until you saw the word ‘WIFEY’ printed across the front in big letters! I was so excited! A definite must-have! So I bought it and my husband was suitably impressed.

2. In second place is the set of 3 pineapple doilies (crocheted to sell to a friend), that I FINALLY finished last night! Feels like I’ve been working on them forever and it makes me happy to see them all done! Here they are, all finished and wrapped, ready to go to their new home. IMG_3235

3. At number 3, I have finally started my birding album on Facebook! (I am a member of a Facebook birding group that is currently running a ‘Big Year’ type challenge – photograph as many different Aussie bird species as you can in the current financial year. Two weeks into the challenge and I finally have a start – 18 lovely little birdies in one Sabbath afternoon stroll! I know I am way behind the serious bird-watchers in the group, but at least I’m having fun!

My favourite shot of the day!

My favourite shot of the day!

4. And my last happy thing would be the washing bobbing happily on the line. And the clean dishes. (Considering I have barely done dishes in the last couple of days, I am quite proud of the amazing transformation of the kitchen!) After being on prac all week it is great to have time to wash and clean!

Strange things part 4 (Where I surprise everyone with my gardening skills!)

There seem to be so many strange things occurring in my house that I have managed to write 3 (nearly 4!) blog posts about them! Oh well, it’s good to have something to laugh at!

Recently I heard a strange noise in my lounge room. It sounded like a finch. But I don’t have finches in the lounge room! (At least, not unless our finches figured out how to unlock and open doors and managed to get out of the cage and into the house!) So it couldn’t be a finch. I went investigating. And then it hit me – I had put the budgies in the lounge room. It was one of them masquerading as a finch! So now it gets even more confusing – the finches make finch noises, the husband makes finch noises (he has conversations with the poor finches – they are completely bewildered by it!), and the budgies are learning finch noises! Soon my furniture will start making finch noises and then I’ll know I’m really losing the plot! But until then, I guess I can put up with the weird finch noises in my house!

One night my dear husband arrived at the door to announce that he had a present for me. (Ladies, when your husband makes announcements like this, don’t get your hopes up – a present can mean anything from flowers to dirty socks. And more often than not it’s the socks.) In this case it was dirty socks, shirt, and shorts – all of which were filthy and covered in prickles! It took ages to remove said prickles but I did it. And then I washed it all and relaxed in the delusion that it would not happen again.

Ha! (Sometimes I have completely unrealistic ideas!) Anyway, this time it was a jumper and socks completely covered in prickles and mud with lovely grass seeds embedded in the fabric. I was busy for the next couple of weeks so I sat them in the laundry tub until I got around to it. Every now and then I had time to remove several prickles but I wasn’t making much headway. Then I went away for a week. When I came home they still hadn’t miraculously disappeared. So, several days later (after much unpacking and cleaning and procrastinating) I finally faced the worst. And as I was plucking prickles, I spied two green leaves. Upon closer inspection, I discovered  that a prickle was GROWING in the sock. Literally growing!! Roots and all! I may not be a wonderful wife, but I’m one awesome gardener! (Have YOU ever grown prickles in a laundry tub with no soil or water? See, there you have it – I am talented!) I found one more prickle sprouting in the other sock, but finally managed to get all the prickles out and wash them and rejoice in the beauty of a clean jumper and socks!

It was a little surprising but you know you’re getting something right as a wife when you can laugh with your husband at the horror of prickles growing in his washing!

The cleaning of the oven!

Last Friday I had no motivation to get out of bed. This is otherwise known as dread of cleaning an oven full of exploded casserole. (You can read that catastrophic story here). So I stayed snuggled in bed for as long as possible. And then I finally got up to face the worst.

The cleaning of the oven. Stupid casserole dish exploding. If only that hadn’t happened, I would never have had to clean the oven. (Alright, maybe I would have sometime. But there wouldn’t have been glass and casserole blasted to smithereens all over it!)

I got myself all organised and went to town to get oven cleaner. Half of them had to stay on for 12 hours or some such ridiculousness – too long! I wanted a clean oven! I wanted it right then! I finally found one that said to leave it on for at least a minute, or up to 4 hours. Perfect! So I bought it and numerous tubs of icecream. This was to help relieve oven-cleaning stress of course.

After several hours and much procrastination, the oven was finally clean. Well, relatively. When I say clean I mean that all the glass and casserole was removed and the oven somewhat cleansed. There is still grime on the oven, but I am pretty sure it is verging on prehistoric and may never come off! Anyway, it is clean enough for now. (Drumroll please!) Time to eat icecream!

While I was in the middle of cleaning and/or procrastinating, a couple of parcels turned up. My early morning online orders when I couldn’t sleep. Both presents for my husband. He has been dying to get golf clubs for some time. He even picked out which ones he wanted. But he decided we probably couldn’t afford them just yet. He has also suggested getting a guitar several times. So I got him both and gave them to him on Friday when he got home. (It’s the first time I’ve managed a surprise this big – usually he guesses or I have to tell him when he goes to buy something I already have for him! So I was rather proud of myself.) He was so excited that he started playing golf in our lounge room then and there! (I was a little concerned for the furniture – and my head!) And over Friday evening and Sabbath we had a great time together with the piano and guitar.

Sunday went by fairly uneventfully, except that we finally managed to clear the garden of weeds. We can now actually see plants!

On Monday I had a minor meltdown. I woke up at some ridiculous hour of the morning with abdominal pain. Consequently, by the time it was actually a reasonable hour to get up I was still dreadfully tired. Somehow I got the washing on the line, wrote a shopping list, and gathered everything for going to town.  When I got there, it started pouring rain. It never rains here. But it was too late to go back and save my washing. After finally getting most things done, I went to one last store. As I was going through the self serve checkout, I paid with my card and decided to get $20 cash out. Halfway home I realised that I had left the cash there! I rang the store and they had a look for me. The money was gone. (Some lucky person is now $20 richer!) I got home and got all my shopping in and then had a meltdown. My washing was soaking wet and I had lost $20 and I was tired and it was all too much.

By the time my husband got home, I had managed to pull it together. My washing was spinning in the machine and dinner was cooking and the shopping was unpacked. I was kind of dreading telling him about the money so I decided to get it out of the way as soon as possible. I nearly cried again telling him. But his response was just, ‘Oh well, its only $20’, followed by a hug.

And he’s right. It is only $20. We will not starve. And who knows, someone else may have needed it more!