‘God shall wipe away all tears…

‘And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.’ Revelation 21:4 KJV

So…I did it again. That thing where I watch movies themed on war and then cry miserably for ages. (Yes, I know I’m not the smartest woman in the world. But hey, maybe I will learn from my mistakes sometime in the next 10 years.) The last time was when I watched ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ for the second time and then completely lost it.

This time it was the final episode of M.A.S.H. Most of the M.A.S.H. episodes are at least somewhat funny – mostly there are people using humour to get through a horrible situation. However, the last episode is not at all amusing. It brings to life the harsh reality of war and what it does to people. And when it was over, I cried. My husband says I have a sensitive and caring heart. I wish I didn’t.

There are many horrible things about pain. But the one that gets me every time is the fact that God does nothing. I’m still struggling to understand that – to let God be God and accept that He knows best. That He feels more pain and sheds more tears for His children than I ever will. Last time I thought I had finally got it. I thought I understood. Now I know I don’t.

But one day I will. One day, God will explain everything. One day He will wipe away all tears. No more death, no crying, no pain. How wonderful that will be!

But until then, I think I have to stop watching movies!

Some (finally) finished crocheting projects!

Last week I received a surprise parcel from Mum, which contained the ball of wool I had been needing to finish my throw rug, plus numerous other goodies! So that afternoon I sat down with Mozart’s Flute Concerto, fruit tic tacs, and crocheting and finished it off.

The finished product!

The finished product!

It has a really cool edging that I had never seen before called Trefoil Edging.


It’s the first big project I’ve made for myself, not someone else! Feels kind of weird to keep it!

The other project that I had been working on, which I also finished last week, was my first attempt at a stuffed toy. I made a few mistakes and learnt some things for next time but he still turned out really cute.

Presenting Snufflehufflegus!

Presenting Snufflehufflegus!

Now I’m working on a present for someone – can’t tell you what it is in case they read this but it’s turning out really nice so far.

I also bought a whole bunch of wool yesterday to make a colourful caterpillar! Can’t wait to see him take shape!

Whatever it takes….

I once heard a story of a Christian man whose children had left the church. He agonised over this, and tried to do everything he could to lead them back to God. He wept for them and pleaded with them. He prayed for them regularly and tried to live as an example. But still there was no change in the lives of his children. One night he started praying that God would do whatever it took, anything, even if he had to die that they might be brought to God. Soon after, he was in a fatal car accident. And his children all gave their lives to God.

There is Another who agonised over His lost children. He wept and pleaded with them and tried to show them how they should live. But His children didn’t appear to notice. There was no change. At times they even ridiculed Him. Until one dark night He also chose to give whatever it took and laid down His life for them.

I don’t know about you, but some days I feel unworthy. Like I have done too much, gone too far. There are so many better people in the world, why would God care about me? And then I remember the story of a God who gave His life for His children. All of them. Not just the good ones, the pretty ones, the lovable. But the bad, the scoffers, even the ones who hated Him. He was willing to do whatever it took, even for those who would refuse it.

You may feel that you have gone too far, that you no longer have anything to give Him. But today He is still willing to do whatever it takes to save us.

One of my favourite songs puts it so well.

‘You don’t know just how far
Away from home I’ve been,’
She said as she looked into my eyes.
‘Could it be I’ve strayed beyond
Mercy’s outstretched hand
And now His grace no longer stoops
To hear my cry?
You see, I just wanna know
Tell me how far will He go –
Will He still reach for me
Inspite of where I’ve been?’
And I told her,

‘He’ll do whatever, whatever it takes
His grace reaches lower than your worst mistakes
And His love will run farther
Than you can run away, my friend
He’ll do whatever, whatever it takes
He’ll do whatever it takes.’ (He’ll Do Whatever it Takes, by Phillips Craig & Dean)

No matter who you are, no matter where you’ve been, He died for you. And He will do whatever it takes to save you. You just have to ask Him.

Go on, He’s waiting.